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There's something great about people and their work

The Good, the Bad and the Human - a series about Humanity in the workplace

I was always passionate about our Relationship with Work.

As a young girl, I used to daydream about drinking coffee in the morning, commuting to work and, believe it or not: having meetings! I was positive that once I got a real brief-case, I could conquer the world!

Growing out of the office-superheroine dream and a weird obsession with briefcases, I never let go of the essence of it: 

There's something great going on between people and their work.

So I built a career around that:

As an HR leader, I could see in different cultures, how organizations can thrive by having amazing people working together.

As a consultant, I learned that there's no one-size-fits-all in HR practices and that leaders need all the help they can get.

And as a career coach, I could focus on the individual: what makes them tick, what throws them out-of-balance and, especially, what makes them do great work!

This hybrid experience taught me something invaluable: to examine different (and sometimes discrepant) sides of this universe we call "going to work".


Start-ups and fast-growing companies are one of my favorite places to work with - and for.  You can't beat the adrenaline, the nonstop challenge, and the learning environment that comes with a place that is constantly growing!

However, when you're part of an organization (of any size) - when you're sharing late nights, inside jokes, mad problem-solving skills, and mind-blowing insights, often you lose some of your critical thinking. You're so imbibed on this incredible workplace, that you don't see past it. 

That's when you lose yourself, and, as a result, the organization loses as well.

I believe that the smallest component of an Organization is its Individuals, and an organization is only as great as its people.

So the workplace shouldn't be only a place we go to work, but a platform for every individual to do great things, learn and become whatever she wants to be. 

For that to happen, we must always bring our humanity to work.

That's why I created this series, I wanted to share some stories, my unique view and fresh ideas around the workplace: The Good, the Bad and the Human about it :)

Thanks for hanging out with me!


PS: I've chosen some thought-provoking topics to write about but I'd love to receive your suggestions -  leave a comment below.

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